Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bad Romance...

Okay, watched Harold and Maude a couple days ago, and loved loved loved this movie. The kid is hilarious! Although I don't really get if he cannot die or what...and did his third date kill her self on accident? Can any one tell me that?!...I digress. I have a special place in my heart for dark comedies like Clue, and Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Harold and Maude has taken its place among them. I must admit the relationship between them is disturbing, all be it touching at time, I still think they could have left out the shot of them in bed together...

I loved the Maude character, and I can only hope that I have her out look on life when I am 80, minus the whole doctor assisted suicide...
I like the holocaust survivor element as well, I felt that one shot brought the whole film to a different level, and brought it back to home. She also reminds me a lot of April Curtis in all the best ways, which made me love her even more.

I would recommend this movie to anyone!!!

Chis' 5 words or less:
upsetting, funny, and suicidal

Take Maude's advice "Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much *life*. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully."

Weird Sisters!

Although they are not the vampire type, in this movie they are just as scary. No, these sister come in the heavily made-up forms of Bette Davis, and Joan Crawford. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane is and incredibly upsetting, yet mesmerizing roller coaster of a film. Did you know the feud between the two actresses was just as intense off screen as it was on screen? Although Joan Crawford was much less innocent as her counter part. Bette Davis actually kicked Joan Crawford in the head, causing her to have stitches, and Crawford filled her costume with rock for the scene where Davis has to drag Crawford's paralyzed body across the floor, causing Davis permanent back problems.

As I sit here watching this film, I can't help but to think 'Thank God Make-Up Has Gotten Better Since the 60s!' It is terrifying! And on such beautiful women too. The heart shaped mole on Ms. Davis was a nice touch though, so props to the make-up designer.

The acting is superb on both accounts. Davis makes me thoroughly uncomfortable, in a she's doing her job right sort of way. Crawford does a great job of living in fear, she really seems to have gotten into the character. I think they both are brilliant! The whole thing has a very Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf feel to it. At least I find Parallels between Jane Hudson, and Martha. You just have to watch it, and tell me if you see it too. Who knows maybe I'm just crazy.

Any way, it's a really good movie. I would recommend it to any of you theatre fold out there (halla halla!) if you are a more main stream fan, I would tread softly.

Chris' 5 words or less:
One of my favorite films!

"Who can figure Cops?" See if you can, go ahead.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If You Can-Can-Can!!!

You guessed it, next on our list is one of my all time favorite movies Moulin Rouge!
Moulin Rouge came our in 2001... I know so long ago. it was directed by the incredible Baz Luhrmann, and has a star studded cast. You may recognize such people as Nicole Kidman, 'the sparking diamond', Ewan McGegor 'the oh-so-talented, charmingly bohemian, tragically impoverished writer', John Leguizamo the voice of the children of the revolution, or Jim Broadbent, the jolly and greedy owner of the Moulin Rouge. This movie is so fun,and so energetic. There really is something in it for everyone. Now I know it's a musical, and that may be part of why I am so attached to it...but really, it is a wonderfully crafted piece of art. There are so many layers to this film that every time you watch it you see something new. I laugh out loud every time I see it and I have to be up in the hundreds by now. Now what did Chris have to say? He is the reason we had to watch it after all( not that I'm complaining).

5 words or less:
Visually stunning, Great acting.

Go ahead, "I can see some lonely Moulin Rouge dancers looking for a partner or two, so if you can Hunk Hunk, you can Hunkadola with them". You won't regret it I promise!

And the Madness Begins!

Alrighty, the first to be checked off our list is Ladri Di Biciclette or The Bicycle Theif directed by Vittorio De Sica. If you couldn't guess this film is in Italian, so anti-subtitlist beware! I thought this film was absolutely gorgeous. It is in black and white, I am always a sucker for that, mixed with the Italian made this move a dream for me. The other cool thing about this film is that many of the actors are really non actors. The story line in this movie, I believe is very easily accessible. It is a story about a family struggling to make ends meet, and make and honest living, in the end it seems like this is not enough. It has a little bit for everyone, a little action, a little romance, and a lot to think about. I would definately recommend this movie to anyone! It is nice, to the point, and easy to watch.
Chis' opinion in 5 words or less:
Beautiful story. Nice, simple plot.

Hey, hey we agree on something...a rarity as you will quickly learn. Stay tuned we have a whole lot more to go!

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Great Film Challenge

Hello All!
FilmFollower here. I am new to blogging, and hope that someone out there finds this interesting besides my self. Over this Thanksgiving weekend my boyfriend Chis and I were browsing the shelves at Powell's book store. We were making our usual rounds through the film, and theatre sections (him being a film, and theatre major, me a graduate in music and theatre) when we stumbled on this book, 1001 Movies you Must See Before you Die. Many of my fellow film geeks know of it I'm sure, and it might be a bit silly that I had not heard of it, but that is not the point! The point is, that as Chris and I were looking through it we realized just how many amazing movies are out there that we had not yet encountered, or were just too lazy too get our butts off the couch and walk down to the nearest Blockbuster to pick them up. Any way, I decided we had to watch all of them, and he agreed. The more I started thinking about it, I thought it might me more fun and challenging to to complete the list in one year. Now I know it sounds crazy, but here are the rules, we will not watch the movies that both of us have already watched, which narrows our list to 895 in a year. We both have to complete the entire film, or else it does not count, and we have to watch them together. What makes this little competition between us and our list of movies really interesting is that we live about 300 miles apart. Now I have no idea if we will be able to compete this challenge within a year, but it is a jumping of point. The rules may change as we go along, but hey, that's life. Wish us luck!!